a blog of epistles
I would like to applaud your performance at the schoolhouse.  You saved Melba which, I can imagine, must've been a hard thing to do.  You displayed a characteristic of a Christ figure; you sacrificed yourself to help another, specifically another you did not like.  She had come to you earlier to ask for forgiveness, and by this time, you had forgiven her - another Christlike gesture.

What you did was an honorable thing.  You both have been forgiven, and can now live in the peace your name (Lavender) originally predicted!!
Your (number one fan) blogger,
Black Eyed Susans are a common symbol of Justice in literature.  , similar to how daisies are a sign of innocence.  This is significant in your story, considering how many times you mention the flower!  You mentioned that it was you grandfathers favorite flower, and when Dove takes you to the crash site of your grandfather's death, you carefully tossed the flowers into the water.  The mixture of water as a symbol of purity and the Black Eyed Susans as a symbol of Justice show that you finally had closure about your grandfather's death, and you are now ready to make amends.

And for the record, Ruby, I think that you should know that Lavender, your very name, is a symbol of peace, foreshadowing to you making peace with your enemies.  Thats right, I see you.
Your (basically psychic) favorite blogger,

Hello Ruby!! I have enjoyed reading your letters so far.  I would like to compliment the poem you wrote  about, the one about fireflies? I love it.

"You are the first one, so you are the light.
You are the one we follow tonight.
Fly away now to your free life - so sweet!
We'll follow you with our true hearts til we meet
on the side of the shore, in the meadow so fair,
in the place where our souls soar into the air..."

It's beautiful!  I didn't know this before I finished all of your letters, but it almost foreshadows the reveal of the big accident that caused the death of Melba's father and your grandfather.  You are the light. You are the one we follow tonight... this line is referring to your grandfather; he is constantly described as a wonderful person, always happy and considerate.  You also often ask how he would feel about things, and how he would respond to situations; you follow him at night, or in times of darkness. Fly away now to your free life-so sweet!  This line refers to the fact that he is no longer with you, that he's passed on.  We'll follow you with our true hearts til we meet on the side of the shore, in the meadow so fair, into the place where our souls soar into the air... this is the most important part.  It implies that he never truly left you, and that there is closure yet to be had.
Your favorite blogger.
I've really enjoyed your letters, Ruby!!

I have a question though.  You and Miss Eula always say everything is lucky.  Why is that?  Its quite admirable, to be honest.  You both have gone through a lot in the past year, and although you said its been a whole year, the hurt is still fresh.  I admire you both for having such a positive outlook on life through all the problems you have face.  And Miss Eula is right, life DOES go on.

This is similar to A Thousand Splendid Suns' character Laila in that both of you are determined.  You don't let things get you down, and you keep moving foreward.  This is a very important theme that follows you throughout your story, Ruby.
I'm looking forward to your next letters!!
Your favorite (and the best) literary blogger,


    Deborah Wiles was born in Mobile, Alabama, the daughter of Marie and Thomas Edwards, an air force pilot from Jasper County, Mississippi. Her mother was a stenographer working at Brookley Field in Mobile when she met her future husband on a blind date. They were married for 53 years. Wiles' father was transferred to Hickam AFB, and the family moved to Hawaii when Wiles was five. She started kindergarten at Pearl Harbor Elementary School. She wrote about her Hawaii memories in her first novel, Love, Ruby Lavender.